Almost weekly I get a request from someone studying an artist that my mother wrote about. As mom is not available to discuss these artists I have scanned her notes on them.
Please email me if you would like any information on the following artists:
Abish, Cecile
Acconci, Vito
Adams, Pat
Austen, Alice
Aycock, Alice
Alyon, Helene
Barrell, Bill
Bauer, Betsy
Baziotes, William
Beauchamp, Robert
Bladen, Ronald
Brooks, James
Bultman, Fritz
Burgy, Donald
Butterly, Kathy
Cameron, Robert
Candell, Victor
Chase, Louisa
Chicago, Judy
Cicero, Carmen
Clark, Ed
Clark, John Clem
Cook, Chris
Dalton Brown, Alice
Daphnis, Nassos
Dickinson, Edwin
Dintinfass, Marylyn
Dubois, Emily
Edwards, Mel
Ferrer, Rafael
Frank, Mary
Geoffrian, Moira
Gorky, Arshile
Grillo, John
Guston, Philip
Haerer, Carol
Haber, Ira Joel
Hammons, David
Hawthorne, Charles
Held, Al
Henry, Robert
Henselmann, Caspar
Hofmann, Hans
Holt, Nancy
Holzer, Jenny
Hopper, Edward
Huebler, Douglas
Hunt, Richard
Jansons, Andrew
Johnson, Buffie
Klement, Vera
Komarin, Gary
Kriesberg, Irving
Kuh, Katherine
Lasch, Pat
Lewis, Morris
Lewis, Norman
Little, James
Loewe, Michael
Loving, Alvin
Miotte, Jean
Miller, Brenda
Miss, Mary
Mitchell, Tyrone
Moore, Henry
Motherwell, Robert
Noel, Georges
Orlowsky, Lilian
Pfarr, Albert
Pissaro, Camille
Rothko, Mark
Rubin, Michael
Saganic, Livio
Samuels, Gerald
Sandoval, Arturo
Schapiro, Miriam
Schwitter, Kurt
Shaffer, Mary
Sharits, Paul
Simon, Sidney
Skoglund, Sandy
Smith, David
Smythe, Ned
Speyer, Nora
Stackhouse, Robert
Stella, Frank
Still, Clifford
Strider, Marjorie
Stuart, Michelle
Tabachnick, Anne
Thompson, Bob
Thomas, Yvonne
Tivey, Hap
Tobias, Julius
Turrell, James
Tworkov, Jack
Valentine, Helene
Williams, Hiram
Williams, William T.
Wright, Russell